馬太福音 6:13 (NIV)
前言: 撒旦奪取人們的生活丶自由丶平安及喜樂這使得人們在心理及生理上受到許多的折磨。
撒旦最終的目標就是要毀壞人們的生活。撒旦是邪惡之源, 而整個世界都在他的掌控之下。
這就是為什麼這個世界上充滿了痛苦。從亞當開始, 人類就試圖要從撒旦手中把自由搶回來,
但是隨著時間越久, 邪惡的勢力也越來越強大了。
1. 罪的起因
1) 亞當違背了上帝的命令去做他自己想做的事。罪的代價便是死。 (創世紀 3:6)
2) 亞當聽信了撒旦的話, 違背上帝而成為了撒旦的奴隸。自此之後,
人類就活在極大的痛苦之中。(創世紀 3:17-19)
3) 若藉由人類自己的力量無法掙脫罪及邪惡的枷鎖。 (以弗所書 2:1-3)
2. 耶穌公開的証道
1) 他饒恕我們的罪。(羅馬書 3:23-24; 馬可福音 10:45)
2) 他把我們從撒旦帶來的痛苦中解救出來。
① 他趕走了撒旦的使者。 (路加福音 4:33-35)
② 他治癒生理及心理的疾病。 (馬太福音 8:16-17)
③ 他讓沒有安全感的人丶害怕的人丶絕望的人得著平安。(約翰福音 14:27; 16:33)
④ 他戰勝了死亡並從中得到提昇。(約翰福音 11:25-26; 歌林多後書 5:1)
3) 十架上救贖的痛苦。
① 神是依照人們所犯的罪來進行審判。(約翰福音 3:16-17)
② 邪靈殘酷的攻擊。(約翰福音 10:10; 約翰一書 3:8)
3. 完成了
1) 他饒恕了我們所有的罪。(歌林多後書 2:13; 以弗所書 1:7)
2) 他瓦解了撒旦的惡勢力並且把我們從痛苦中救出。(歌林多後書:14-15)
3) 他救我們脫離兇惡。(彼得前書 3:10-11; 箴言 16:6)
4) 我們必要拒絕邪惡並且把魔鬼趕走。
① 我們有權柄 (路加福音 10:19; 約翰福音 1:12)
② 以耶穌的名(馬可福音 16:17)
③ 藉著神的寶血及話語 (啓示錄 12:11)
結論: 神的旨意就是把我們從身心靈的苦難中解救出來並得著永生的自由。
因此, 我們必須要勇敢的拒絕撒旦並且驅除一切的惡念。
Deliver Us from the Evil One
Matthew 6:13 (NIV)
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”
Introduction: Evil deprives human beings of life, freedom, peace, and happiness,
and it brings many kinds of mental and physical pain. Its final goal is to destroy
one’s life. The devil is the root of evil, and the whole world is under his control.
That is why this world is filled with pain.Ever since the time of Adam, humankind
has been trying to gain freedom from evil, but with time, evil becomes
more intense.
1. The cause of sin.
1) Adam broke the law of God and acted as he pleased.
The wages of sin is death (Ge 3:6).
2)Adam listened to the devil, betrayed God, and became
a slave to the devil. Since then, humankind has been in severe pain (Ge 3:17-19).
3)By human power, it is impossible to take off the yoke of sin and evil (Eph 2:1-3).
2. Jesus’ public ministry.
1) He forgave all our sins (Ro 3:23-24; Mk 10:45).
2) He set us free from the pain that the devil brought.
① He drove out demons; the messenger of the devil (Lk 4:33-35).
② He healed physical and mental diseases (Mt 8:16-17).
③ He gave peace to those filled with insecurity, fear, and despair (Jn 14:27; 16:33).
④ He conquered death and raised the dead (Jn 11:25-26; 2Co 5:1).
3) The redemptive suffering of the Cross.
① The judgment of God in regard to human sin (Jn 3:16-17).
② The evil spirit’s cruel attack (Jn 10:10; 1Jn 3:8).
3. It is finished.
1) He forgave all our sins (Col 2:13; Eph 1:7).
2) He disarmed the power and authority of the devil and took the
pain away (Col 2:14-15).
3) Deliver us from evil (1Pe 3:10-11; Pr 16:6).
4) We must resist the devil, and drive out demons.
① We have authority (Lk 10:19; Jn 1:12).
② In the name of Jesus (Mk 16:17).
③ By the precious blood and the Word (Rev 12:11).
Conclusion: God’s will is to deliver us from spiritual, physical,
and mental suffering into glorious freedom. Therefore,
we must boldly resist the devil, and drive out demons.