1.詩篇100:4 當稱謝進入他的門;當讚美進入他的院。當感謝他,稱頌他的名!
1).聖經明明白白說: 當稱謝進入他的門;當讚美進入他的院,而並非哭泣懇求,
會幕,新約的香代表什麼呢?啟示錄5:8 這香就是眾聖徒的祈禱。不用動物為祭物
詩篇22:3 但你是聖潔的,是用以色列的讚美為寶座(或譯:居所)的。
詩篇96:8 要將耶和華的名所當得的榮耀歸給他,拿供物來進入他的院宇。
詩篇95:2 我們要來感謝他,用詩歌向他歡呼!
我們發牢騷抱怨使我們遠離神,歌林多前書10:10 你們也不要發怨言,
撒上 16:14 耶和華的靈離開掃羅,有惡魔從耶和華那裡來擾亂他。
16:23 從神那裡來的惡魔臨到掃羅身上的時候,大衛就拿琴,用手而彈,
掃羅便 舒暢爽快,惡魔離了他。
2) 世俗瘋狂的歌曲引來惡魔的靈。韓國傳統鼓和鐃鈸彈以瘋狂的方式 ,跟隨由巫師歌曲和舞蹈,儀式帶來惡鬼的靈,世俗瘋狂的音樂敗壞心智,平和的音樂使心靈甦醒,使憂鬱症遠離。 3) 魔鬼恐懼害怕我們獻上感謝與讚美給神。 ①藉著感謝和讚美與寶座上的神同在。啟示錄5:13 我又聽見在天上、地上、地底下、滄海裡,和天地間一切所有被造之物,都說:但願頌讚、尊貴、榮耀、權勢都歸給坐寶座的和羔羊 ,直到永永遠遠! ②甩脫惡魔的利器就是唱讚美神的詩歌。詩篇 18:3 我要求告當讚美的耶和華;這樣我必從仇敵手中被救出來。啟示錄12:10 我聽見在天上有大聲音說:我神的救恩、能力、國度 、並他基督的權柄,現在都來到了!因為那在我們神面前晝夜控告我們 弟兄的,已經被摔下去了 3.磨練試練是神行神蹟的管道。藉著經歷各樣的挫折,將得到神給我們新的盼望. 1)百姓大聲讚美神, 耶利哥城倒塌。約書亞6:20 於是百姓呼喊,祭司也吹角。百姓聽見角聲,便大聲呼喊 ,城牆就塌陷,百姓便上去進城,各人往前直上,將城奪取。 2因感謝讚美神,神使對手自亂陣腳,歷下20:21 約沙法既與民商議了,就設立歌唱的人,頌讚耶和華,使他們穿上聖潔的禮服,走在軍前讚美耶和華說:當稱謝耶和華,因他的慈愛永遠長存!20:22 眾人方唱歌讚美的時候,耶和華就派伏兵擊殺那來攻擊猶大人的亞捫人、摩押人,和西珥山人,他們就被打敗了。 4.釋放自由的能力~感謝,讚美可以釋放我們,使絕望成為盼望,悲傷成為喜樂,使黑暗成為光明. 1)使徒行傳16:25 約在半夜,保羅和西拉禱告,唱詩讚美神,眾囚犯也側耳而聽。 2)箴言 15:13 心中喜樂,面帶笑容;心裡憂愁,靈被損傷。美國研究報告,每週上教堂的人,較不易生病; 詩篇16:11 你必將生命的道路指示我。在你面前有滿足的喜樂;在你右手中有永遠的福樂。 詩篇103:1 (大衛的詩。)我的心哪,你要稱頌耶和華!凡在我裡面的,也要稱頌他的聖名! 結語: 基督教是感謝,讚美的宗教,在每一次的聚集,都將是充滿著感謝和讚美 透過感謝和讚美,,上帝就現身在我們當中, ,施行神蹟,完成那美好的賜福!
16:26 忽然,地大震動,甚至監牢的地基都搖動了,監門立刻全開,眾囚犯的鎖鍊也都鬆開了。
103:2 我的心哪,你要稱頌耶和華!不可忘記他的一切恩惠!
The Power of Thanksgiving and Praise
Psalm 100:4 (NIV)
“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.”
Introduction: It is not easy to meet the head or the president of a company. It is a rare occasion to meet famous people in society. The chance is much more slim if we want to meet a high official, a prime minister, or a president of a nation. Then how difficult would it be to meet God? As the children of God, we should always meet Him. How can we meet Him?
1. Thanksgiving and praise make us come before God.
1)The temple of Israel also had an altar of incense. The priests always
had to burn incense before God. David sang before the ark
(Ex 40:26; 30:7–8).
2)Today our offerings and incense are thanksgiving and praise (Ps 22:3).
①We can enter the gates of God's court with thanksgiving (Ps 96:8).
②We can come before the throne of God with praise (Ps 95:2).
③Our grumbling and complaining make us estranged from
God (1Co 10:10).
2. The weapon to chase away the devil.
1)Whenever the evil spirit from God tormented Saul, David played his
harp. Then the evil spirit left and relief came to Saul (1Sa 16:14, 23).
2)Secular frenzied songs call forth evil spirits. When a shaman carries
out a ritual calling out evil spirits, Korean traditional drums and
cymbals are played in a frenzied manner, followed by shamanistic
songs and dances.
3)The devil fears our thanksgiving and praise to God.
①The throne of God comes upon us through our thanksgiving and praise
(Rev 5:13).
②Many songs of praise are sung when driving out the devil
(Ps 18:3; Rev 12:10–11).
3. The channel through which God works in our trials.
1) A shout in the city of Jericho (Jos 6:20).
2) King Jehoshaphat and the choir (2Ch 20:21–22).
4. The power of liberation and freedom.
1) Paul and Silas in prison at Philippi (Ac 16:25–26).
2) A remedy for our heart: happy, sad, comforting, and brave songs of praise
(Ps 16:11; 103:1–2).
Conclusion: Christianity is a religion of thanksgiving and praise. At every gathering, there should be thanksgiving and praise. God is present among us and works and performs miracles through our thanksgiving and praise to Him.