The Cross, the Power of Transformation改變能力的十字架
Exodus 15:22-25, NIV(出埃及記15:22~25節)
22 Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea and they went into the Desert of Shur . For three days they traveled in the desert without finding water. 23 When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. (That is why the place is called Marah. 24 So the people grumbled against Moses, saying, "What are we to drink?" 25 Then Moses cried out to the LORD, and the LORD showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water, and the water became sweet. There the LORD made a decree and a law for them, and there he tested them.
Introduction: Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up
1) The Israelites who had been bitten by venomous snakes were detoxified
2) Change in the decadent children of Adam (Jn 3:14-16)
◉ A piece of wood that made the bitter water sweet in the Desert of Shur
1. The bitter water of hatred and anger憎恨與憤怒的苦水
1) The fierce struggle for survival (Job 5:2)約伯記
2) A life constantly pressed for time and life (Ecc 2:23)出埃及記
3) The environment demanding more results
4) Selfishness—money is everything (2Ti 3:2)提摩太後
5) Lack of communication (Pr 12:16)箴言
- These factors are seeds of hatred, and hatred brings an explosion of anger. All this bitter
water can be turned into sweet water when we love and embrace the Cross of Jesus 我們要恩慈相待,告耶穌十字架的力量
(1Jn 4:10; Eph 4:32)約翰一書,以弗所書
2. The bitter water of fear and anxiety恐懼與不安的苦水
1) Anxiety from blame and criticism (Ps 38:19)詩篇
2) Human nature is anxious when it is not recognized, isolated, and abandoned (Ps 38:11)詩篇 太太稱讚先生,先生一天都工作有幹勁,人被肯定與稱讚是多大恩膏。
3) Anxiety from fear of failure and defeat in life (Job 3:25)
4) Anxiety regarding illness and death (Ps 41:8; Pr 18:14)
- All such bitter water of fear can turn into sweet water by the love and grace
of the Cross of Jesus (Heb 13:5-6; Ps 103:3-5)
3. The bitter water of an inferiority complex自卑的苦水
1) An inferiority complex from a poor and difficult childhood, hostility against society (Ps 88:15)
2) An inferiority complex because of education
3) An inferiority complex because of appearance (1Sa 16:7)
4) An inferiority complex because of country of birth (Pr 14:28; Dt 7:7; Ps 33:10)
- All sense of inferiority can be turned into sweet water by becoming a new creature
through the grace of the Cross and by becoming a child loved by God (1Pe 2:9; Php 4:13)
4. The bitter water of despair and disappointment 挫折與灰心的苦水
1) Bitter water from a sense of powerlessness (Nu 13:33; Pr 24:10)
2) A constant, negative attitude toward one's circumstances (Nu 13:32; 14:8)
3) An attitude that turns one's back against hope, absolute negativity (Ro 8:32,34)
- Through the Cross of Jesus, the calamities of sin, the curse, and disease
can be redeemed, and the sweet water of absolute salvation is given
(Isa 53:4-5; Gal 3:13; 3Jn 1:2)
Conclusion: A human being’s life is constantly filled with tears. If you always drink the bitter water of hatred, anger, fear, anxiety, a sense of inferiority, despair, and disappointment, your life is doomed to fail. However, if you embrace the Cross of Christ, this well of bitter water will immediately become sweet, and there will be a change in your life. A well of love, peace, pride, hope, and happiness will spring up in your life.擁抱十字架,因耶穌的十字架是我醫治的大能,我不再喝那些恨惡,恐懼不安,自卑,挫折灰心等等的苦水,冬天過去了,雪融化了,因為春天要來~,冬天無法阻擋春天的來到,您生命因耶穌而得著更新,沙漠的心靈得著滋潤將成為綠洲