


羅馬書 8:28 (NIV)

我們曉得萬事都互相效力、叫愛 神的人得益處、就是按他旨意被召的人。

前言:   時常喜樂不住地禱告,凡事謝恩。



1.     唯有敬愛  神的人才擁有完全的信心。

        1)   將 神的旨意完全深植於心中的人(馬太福音 22:37; 6:33).

        2)   總是與 神說話的人透過讀經與禱告

          (詩 130:5; 19:14; 116:2).

        3)   喜樂於敬拜 神的人(詩篇 2:11; 100:2; 箴言 8:17).

        4)   喜樂於以 神為尊的人(詩篇 91:14-16).

2.    唯有遵行  神旨意被召的人才擁有完全的信心。

        1)    相信耶穌是唯一救主,而來到 神面前的人

          (約翰福音 14:6; 以弗所書 1:5).

        2)       以敬拜 神為一生志業的人不論我身處何處我都敬拜 神

               (約翰福音 12:26; 歌林多前書 10:31).   

        3)        時常喜樂;不住地禱告;凡事謝恩的人       

               (帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:16-18; 尼希米記 8:10; 以弗所書 5:20).

3.    唯有相信萬事都互相效力的人才能擁有完全的信心。

       1)    在光明及黑暗的後面,我們必要看見是 神的手在操控一切

           (以賽亞書 45:7, 21).

       2)        我們必要相信是 神的大能在操控世上所有的事物

                (詩篇 103:19; 以賽亞書 45:9, 22).

       3)        我們必要相信 神的旨意是要將災禍變作平安

              (創世紀 50:20; 耶利米書 29:11). 約瑟的一生

總結: 有完全信心的生活為心思意念帶來和平,並且能我們的心得著喜樂、安定、勝利及成功。我們的生活中充滿著各式各樣的憂慮及困惑,我們必不能忘記羅馬書8:28才能得著完全信心的生活

                       A Life of Absolute Positivity

                                   Romans 8:28 (NIV)

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Introduction: Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances. All this is impossible without having a heart of absolute positivity. And it is impossible to have such a heart without truly understanding Romans 8:28.

1.     Only those who love God will have absolute positivity.

        1)     Those whose thoughts of God are deeply rooted in the center

                 of the heart  (Mt 22:37 ; 6:33 ).

        2)    Those who always talk with God—through words and prayer

                (Ps 130:5; 19:14 ; 116:2).

        3)    Those who delight in worshipping God (Ps 2:11 ; 100:2; Pr 8:17 ).

        4)    Those who delight in being proud of God (Ps 91:14-16).

2.    Only those who have been called according to His purpose will have

        absolute positivity.

        1)    Those who have come to God with the belief that Jesus is the

                 only way to salvation (Jn 14:6; Eph 1:5).

        2)     Those whose purpose of life is to worship God. I worship

                 God wherever I am  (Jn 12:26 ; 1Co 10:31 ).      

        3)    Those who are joyful always; pray continually; and give thanks

                in all circumstances (1Th 5:16 -18; Ne 8:10 ; Eph 5:20 ).

3.    Only those who believe that in all things God works for the good

         will have   absolute positivity.

        1)    We must see the hand of God behind all good and evil (Isa 45:7, 21).

        2)    We must believe that God the Absolute Power is in control

                of everything (Ps 103:19; Isa 45:9, 22).

        3)    We must believe in God's Providence that turns evil into

               good (Ge 50:20; Jer 29:11). The life of Joseph.

Conclusion: A life of absolute positivity brings peace of mind and joy to the heart, stability, victory, and success. In our life filled with all kinds of worry and confusion, we must not forget Romans 8:28 in order to live a life of absolute positivity.


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