



                     路加福音 6:38 (NIV)               




前言:  神與撒旦之間有著非常明顯的區別。我們的 神是給愛的神,祂將生命全部獻給我們。而撒旦是邪惡的靈,他將竊取及搶奪我們所擁有的一切。撒旦其至於試圖竊取 神的權柄和欺騙亞當去吃那分別善惡樹上的果子,使得亞當遠離 神的恩典。撒旦甚至於試著讓耶穌去敬拜他。因著施予,神是一切祝福的源頭;撒旦則是藉著竊取和搶奪成為一切罪惡的源頭。



           1)因著彰顯 神的愛


                     耶穌獻出祂的生命 (約翰一書 4:10).  

                     神將聖靈賜下(約翰一書 4:13). 因此,神是一切祝福、快樂喜樂

                        的源頭。(約翰一書 4:16).



                     史懷哲醫生將他一生獻給非洲,因為有 神在他裡面

                         是快樂及喜樂(約翰一書 4:12).



                        著她的生命而被彰顯出來因此,她是快樂而喜悅的 (約翰一書 3:18).




                     有 神的愛在我們裡面,是所有快樂及喜悅的源頭


                         (翰福音 10:10).



           1)耶穌為了我們而死在十字架上(以賽亞書 53:10) 

              這看似受苦其實是無限喜樂的,因為 神(一切喜樂的源頭)


           2)犠牲自己並且將快樂及喜悅給予他人,最終會得到報償的。 (約翰福音 12:24).


                     給予精神上的話語及禱告(羅馬書 12:7-8).              

                     給予信心,希望,愛,和平,喜悅,安慰及鼓勵。(希伯來書 10:23-24).


                        住在愛裡面是一切快樂及喜悅的源頭。(詩篇 112:5, 9).








              (馬太福音 13:19).


     2) 種子落在石子地上。這種勉為其難顯現出來的愛,在遇到事情不順利的時候,種子很快就會乾枯的。

你也不可能會得到任何報償的(馬太福音 13:20-21).



              從他們的身上獲取利益). 這種人最後能得到的只有死亡及不幸而已。

               (馬太福音 13:22).   


           4)種子落在好地上的(馬太福音 13:23).



                     人們相信 神並且用實際行動表現出來(詩篇 37:3; 希伯來書 13:16).



                        (加拉太書 6:8-10; 啟示錄 22:12).


結論: 為何世界如此冷酷,不快樂及充滿著悲傷呢? 因為這世界是屬於撒旦的,世人變得自私自利及貪婪。人們想把屬於別人的財產據為己有,並且拒絕同其他人一起分享。人們不願讓這屬於喜樂源頭的 神住在他們裡面 (詩篇 127:1-2).




The Secret to a Truly Blessed Life

Luke 6:38 (NIV)



Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."


Introduction: There is a clear difference between God and Satan. Our God is a God of love, who gives life to all. But Satan is the evil spirit of hatred that steals and grabs what we have.  Satan even tried to steal God's throne and deceived Adam into eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thus falling from God's grace. Satan even tempted Jesus to worship him. God is the source of all blessings through giving, while Satan is the source of all evil through stealing and grabbing.


1.     The blessings of a giver.

        1)By revealing love.

                God gave His only son.

                Jesus gave His life (1Jn 4:10).

                The Holy Spirit gave himself (1Jn 4:13). Therefore, God is the

                    source of blessing, happiness,and joy (1Jn 4:16).

        2)God is love. Therefore, He reveals himself in the practice of loving.

                Dr. Albert Schweitzer spent his whole life in Africa . God was in his

                    life. God is happiness and joy (1Jn 4:12).

                Mother Teresa spent her life in the slums of Calcutta . God

                   appeared throughout her life. Therefore, she was happy and

                   joyous (1Jn 3:18).

        3)One with a lot of love gives a lot. One with only a little bit of love gives

           only a little. One with a lot

                of hatred steals. One with a little hatred grabs and refuses to give.            

                 The God of love within us is the source of happiness and joy.

                 The hatred from Satan within a person is the source of misfortune

                     and sadness (Jn 10:10).


2.     The life of true happiness and joy.

        1)The Cross is where Jesus gave himself for the sake of humankind

            (Isa 53:10). It was a place of suffering but also a place of infinite joy

            because God—the source of joy—practices supreme love.


        2)Sacrificing oneself and giving happiness and joy to neighbors has

           a boomerang effect (Jn 12:24).


        3)What should we give?

                Give spiritually the Word and prayer (Ro 12:7-8).         

                Give faith, hope, love, peace, joy, comfort, and courage (Heb 10:23-24).

                Give the resources of materials. Giving is the practice of loving.

                   God lives in love and is the source of happiness and joy (Ps 112:5, 9).


3.     The life of a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and

         running over.

        The parable of the sower.

        1)Seed that fell along the path. In a life of selfishness, self-centeredness,

            and indifference to neighbors, seeds of happiness and joy are

            trampled to death. There is nothing in return (Mt 13:19).


        2)Seed that fell on rocky places. Love that is reluctantly practiced to

           show off to others will dry up  when things are unfavorable. You do not

           receive anything in return (Mt 13:20-21).     


        3)Seed that fell among thorns—imitation love, disguised as charity and

           love as a means to fulfill one’s  greed (people who take advantage of

           orphans, the disabled, and the unfortunate). Only death and  misery

           are their possession (Mt 13:22).    


        4)Seed that fell on good soil (Mt 13:23).

                People with the true heart of Jesus. Love that gives from within oneself.


                People that believe in God and practice good deeds

                    (Ps 37:3; Heb 13:16).


                People who consider a neighbor's happiness and joy as their own

                    happiness and joy. Their act of  love will bear fruit 30, 60, and

                    100 fold (Gal 6:8-10; Rev 22:12).


Conclusion: Why is this world so cruel, unhappy, and full of sadness? It is because the world belongs to the devil, and people become full of selfishness and greed. People try to steal other’s property and grab hold of their possessions—refusing to share with others. People do not let God live in them who is the source of happiness and joy (Ps 127:1-2).

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