
The Temple of Our Heart

Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”



Introduction: Some people believe that God dwells in a church building or prayer house or retreat center. But the truth is, God does not dwell in any particular kind of building built by humankind. God dwells in the heart of Christians. No matter how beautiful a church may be, if people do not welcome God in their heart, God’s presence is not manifested in the church. However, wherever people gather in the house of God with a welcoming heart, the presence of God is manifested. In our heart, we worship God in spirit and in truth.  



1.     Our stolen heart.

       1)    Adam’s heart, which was God’s temple (Ge 1:27-28; 2:7).

       2)    God left Adam’s heart because of his unbelief and disobedience

              (Ge 2:17; 3:22-23).

       3)    A heart occupied by void, chaos, and darkness.

           ①    A  heart that became a desert of sin, emptiness, and death

                      (Ps 107:10-11; Jer 17:9).

           ②     Wandering, losing the way of life —Where have we come from,

                        why do we live, and where are we going? (Jas 4:14; 1Pe 1:24).

           ③     A heart occupied by the devil is filled with darkness, greed,

                      hatred, fear, frustration, and despair (Ro 1:28-29).  



2.     The salvation of Jesus and the restoration of the temple.


1)    Jesus cleansed Adam’s sin (Isa 53:5-6).

2)    Jesus’ precious blood and grace that cast out the devil and reconciled

        us with God (Col 2:14-15; 1:20).

3)    God lives in a clean temple (1Co 3:16; 6:19-20).



3.     Those who control their heart control their life (3Jn 1:2; Mk 11:22-23).


1)    Thoughts rule our heart—God’s Word will renew the heart (Heb 4:12;

        Ro 12:2).

2)    Faith rules our heart—God’s grace is promised to us forever (Mk 9:23).

3)    Dreams rule our heart—Abraham at age 85, looked at the stars in the

        sky which  produced a positive     heart (Ge 15:5-6).

4)     Confession that brings about miracles (Ro 10:10; Pr 16:32; 4:23).

Conclusion: People with a healthy heart control their circumstances, health, 
and future. Whatever is in our heart will be revealed outwardly. When our heart 
is filled with the grace of God, the wonders and miracles of God will appear 
in our life!



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