
在於,都是句子練習, 常常問與答, 就像一般說話一樣,一人補習 2人受惠!久而久之,介係詞,




  1. Is it time to take a test?

  2. Do we have a test today?

  3. Why do you want to learn English?

  4. What does your mother like to do?

  5. When do we have English class?

  6. When’s your birthday?

  7. Does your mother kiss you every day?

  8. How many brothers does Lillian have?

  9. Do you know how to spell my name

  10. Does Tony brush his teeth every day?

  11. Who teaches you English

  12. Does your dad fix your bicycle?

  13. Do you answer many questions in class?

  14. Does our teacher ask you many questions in class?

  15. How much homework do you have this week?

  16. Do your classmates like tests?

  17. Where do you live?

  18. Does Michelle want to learn English?

  19. Does Jennifer wash her face every day?

  20. What color is my shirt?

  21. Does Joey practice English every day?

  22. Does your father use a computer at work?

  23. Can your father play tennis?

  24. Do you like to play video games with your mom?

  25. What does “generous”mean?

  26. Do you have long hair?

  27. Does Michael change his clothes after school?

  28. Does your friend watch TV every day?

  29. Are these your things?

  30. Do you understand these questions?





  1. Yesit is .It’s time to take a test.
  2. Yes,we do.We have a test today.
  3. I want to learn English because it’s an international language.
  4. She likes to swim.
  5. We have English class on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
  6. My birthday’s September 25th.
  7. No,she doesn’t.She doesn’t kiss me every day.
  8. She doesn’t have any brothers.
  9. Yes,I do.I know how to spell your name. B-A-R-R-Y
  10. Yes,he does.He brushes them every day.
  11. Caleb teaches me English.
  12. Yes,he does.He fixes it by himself.
  13. Yes,I do.I answer a lot of questions in class.
  14. Yes,he does.He askes a lot of questions in class.
  15. I have a lot of homework this week.
  16. No,they don’t.They don’t like tests because they’re difficult.
  17. I live in Taipei on Kang Ning Road .
  18. Yes,she does.She wants to learn English because it’s good for her.
  19. Yes,she does.She washes it every day.
  20. It’s orange.
  21. Yes,he does.He practices English every day.
  22. Yes,he does.He uses one at work.
  23. Yes,he can.He can play tennis.
  24. No,I don’t .I don’t like to play video games with her.
  25. It means 大方的
  26. No,I don’t.I don’t have long hair.
  27. Yes,he does.He changes his clothes after school.
  28. Yes,he does.He watches TV every day.
  29. No,they aren’t.Those aren’t my things.
  30. Yes,I do.I understand them. 



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