馬太福音 5:1-5 (NIV)
前言: 有些人得到祝福有些人則不。有些人得到較大的福份有些人則得到較少的福份。有些人看起總是很富足—從不缺少金錢; 而有些人卻掙扎著求生存—只求生活能夠糊口。耶穌所要給我們的祝福不是那些在我們出生時就得到的各式祝福。耶穌提到那些是至上的祝福,是我們只要相信祂並遵守祂的道就能得到的祝福。
1.虛心的人有福了, 因為天國是他們的--------得到這祝福等於擁有天國。
1) 亞當無法將他的意念放空。於是, 他心中充滿著貪婪及邪惡的慾望。結局是他從伊甸園中被逐出並掉進永遠受到詛咒的生活。
2)耶穌把他心中那些貪婪及邪惡的慾望放空。不論狡猾的撒旦如何試探他,他都不為所動。(約翰一書 2:16)
①放空肉體的慾望—對食物的慾望 (馬太福音4:4)
②放空眼睛的慾望—對榮華的慾望 (馬太福音 4:7)
③放空生活的驕傲—對財富權勢的慾望 (馬太福音4:10 -耶穌的心中完完全全被天國所充滿。
①有了慾望之後就為我們帶來了罪; 當罪達到成熟時就為我們帶來了死亡。
(以弗所書 4:18-19)
②假如我們先放空我們的貪婪及邪惡的慾望, 並且尋求祂的國度和權柄,
天國就會充滿在我們的心裡 (雅各書 1:14; 腓利比書 2:7)
4)當我們飽受生活中各式風浪的折磨時, 我們就該放下貪婪及邪惡的慾望。
(詩篇 119:67; 以弗所書 4:22-24)
2. 哀慟的人有福了, 因為他們必得安慰。
人因著饑渴的靈而哀慟, 這裡的靈指的是肉體及靈性二方面。(詩篇 34:18)
③相信的人會因著哀慟而得到聖靈的充滿, 而祈求的人會因此而得到
解答。(雅各書 4:9-10)
韓國人因著1988年的漢城奧林匹克運動會而自滿, 因而在1997年時就嚐到了 IMF 危機。(箴言 16:18; 約珥書 2:12-13)
3)個人或是國家會因著哀慟, 將來必會得到安慰的。(以賽亞書 40:1-2)
3. 溫柔的人有福了, 他們必承受土地。
1) 就我們所知, 以武力奪取土地總是激烈而殘酷的。(詩篇 37:1-2)
②溫柔或軟弱的動物數量很多而且身處於安全的地方 (詩篇 23:1-2)
①亞述, 巴比倫, 波斯, 希臘, 羅馬
③二次世界大戰及共產主義 (詩篇 76:9)
4)溫柔的人最終會承受土地。 (詩篇 37:9-11; 馬太福音 11:29; 歌羅西書 3:12-13)
結論: 今日我們探討的是八個祝福中的三個。在接下來的二週, 我們會繼續探討其他的
The Eight Supreme Blessings
Matthew 5:1-5 (NIV)
1Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, 2and he began to teach them saying: 3"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 5Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
Introduction: There are some who are blessed and others who are not. Some may be blessed with a greater amount while others with a lesser amount. Some people always seem to be well off—never short of money, while others struggle to survive—living from hand to mouth. The blessings Jesus referred to are not the various kinds of blessings we receive from birth. They are supreme blessings that Jesus mentioned, which all of us can receive if we believe and obey.
1. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
This blessing is to possess heaven. Being poor in spirit means emptying our mind.
1)Adam could not empty his mind. Rather, he filled his mind with greed and the desires of the devil. As a result, he lost the Garden of Eden and fell into a cursed life.
2) Jesus had His mind empty of greed and evil desires. No matter how cleverly
the devil tried to tempt Jesus, He was unswerving and firm (1Jn 2:16 ).
① Empty the lust of the flesh—the desire for food (Mt 4:4).
② Empty the lust of the eyes—the desire for fame and honor (Mt 4:7).
③ Empty the pride of life—the desire for prosperity and power (Mt 4:10 ).
- Jesus’ mind was fully occupied by heaven.
3)Repentance means to empty greed and evil desires.
① After desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is
full-grown, gives birth to death (Eph 4:18-19).
②If we first empty greed and evil desires and then seek His kingdom
and righteousness, heaven will occupy our mind (Jas 1:14 ; Phil 2:7).
4)When we are afflicted by the wind and waves of life, we can lay aside
greed and evil desires (Ps 119:67; Eph 4:22-24).
2. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
1)Those who mourn for their weaknesses. Those who are proud of themselves
never mourn. Those who mourn are the ones with a hungry spirit, who are
hungry physically and spiritually (Ps 34:18).
① A young person who mourns will have success.
② A sportsperson who mourns will have victory.
③ A believer who mourns will receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit
and will receive answers to prayer (James 4:9-10).
2) When one stops mourning, no more solace will be found.
Self-satisfaction after Seoul Olympic Games in 1988 and the IMF crisis in
1997 (Pr 16:18 ; Joel 2:12-13).
3) Individuals or nations that mourn will find solace in the future (Isa 40:1-2).
3. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
1) According to our common sense, it seems like the fierce and cruel will take
the land by force (Ps 37:1-2).
2) Comparison to the animal world.
① Fierce animals are small in number and stay in rough places.
② Meek or weak animals are large in number and stay in safe places (Ps 23:1-2).
3) Lessons from history.
① Assyria, Babylon , Persia , Greece , and Rome .
② The small and weak nation— Israel .
③ The Second World War and communism (Ps 76:9).
4) The meek will ultimately inherit the land (Ps 37:9-11; Mt 11:29; Col 3:12-13).
Conclusion: Today we explored three of the eight blessings. For the next two weeks, we will look at the other blessings. The blessings that God has promised to give come equally to those who believe in Jesus and obey Him. That is why we should learn about those blessings and receive them.