
Why Should We Give Thanks?

Psalm 50:23 (NIV)
“He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me, and he prepares the way
 so that I may show him the salvation of God.”


Introduction: Human beings have a corrupt nature. One of the main characteristics of this nature is complaining. The devil is the father of complaining. Adam and Eve were tempted by the devil, and they complained to God, disobeyed, and ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. After the Israelites came out of Egypt, their 40 years in the wilderness were full of complaining and grumbling. Today, we are more likely to complain than to give thanks. Complaining calls forth evil spirits just like flies swarm over spoiled food. Why should we give thanks?



1.     Thanksgiving honors God (Ps 50:23).

        1)  No one likes a complaining child or subordinate.
                Who can dislike a thankful child or subordinate with a smiling face?

        2)  God delights more in a thank offering than an animal offering (Ps 69:30-31; 50:14-15).

        3)  Through thanksgiving, we enter God’s holy temple, and by singing a hymn, we

              march  toward His throne (Ps 100:3-4).


2.     Thanksgiving brings blessing.

        1) One who has will be given more, and one who does not have will be deprived of what he

             has (Mt 25:14-15, 23, 28-29).

        2) Among ten lepers who were healed, only one of them who was a Samaritan thanked

           Jesus after receiving healing (Lk 17:17-19).


3.    Thanksgiving brings joy and happiness.

        1) Give thanks to your husband and wife and to your neighbors (Eph 5:4; Col 2:7).

         – The more thanks you receive the better you treat them.

        2) Give thanks to God – The Son of God will pour His goodness and mercy on you (Ps

           118:28-29; 23:6).


4.     Thanksgiving brings inner healing.

        1)  Complaining brings about hatred, anger, insecurity, despair, and groaning.

             Thanksgiving neutralizes all this poison. When you give thanks, the devil will be

             driven out  (1Sa 16:14, 23).


5.    Thanksgiving helps us experience miracles and overcome difficulties.

        (Ps 50:23; Ac 16:25-26).


Conclusion: The Bible tells us to give thanks in all circumstances. Thanksgiving makes a good thing even better, and thanksgiving causes bad things to work together for good. In our daily lives, do not complain, but find reasons to be thankful.

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